All project schedules are built within the MRP system and follow a Gantt chart style. This Gantt chart is linked directly to progress from any defined requirement. The project manager can see up to date information about detailing, purchasing, cutting, fabrication, painting, shipping, and any special process that requires tracking. Labor durations are tied directly to the estimate model for accurate expectations and workload balancing.


This schedule is reviewed weekly with the entire management team at American Steel to stay on ahead of all commitments defined by the project manager. During the initial scheduling phase sequencing and zoning coordination can be done with the field crews to prioritize areas that will be installed first to accommodate just in time deliveries by assigning truckloads ahead of load staging.

When tracking specific pieces the model integrations can be used to track completion of every item and colorize for a variety of statuses. The picture on the right shows a current project’s model that has been colored by each piece’s fabrication location right now. This information is updated automatically by the system when each step of the fabrication process is completed.